Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Here’s a riddle for you -- I’m thinking of something each person owns. Some people treasure theirs, others less so. We can’t hold it in our hands but we can examine it and learn from it. We can’t change it but we can give a different one to someone else. Need a hint? Psalm 61.5 says, “You have given me the heritage of those who fear your name.” I am one of those people who can treasure my heritage. After 93 great years, my dad went home to be with Jesus a few weeks ago. These are the times when I think about my heritage. I’m so grateful for the great spiritual heritage left by my parents and grandparents. Karen and I worked to continue that heritage for our children. (I have often shared with those who haven’t had the same experience that through their own faithfulness they have an opportunity to create that strong heritage for those who follow them.)
Camp Nathanael has a great heritage, too. The heritage is visible in the form of changed lives. My summers at Nathanael had a tremendous impact on my life and the same thing is true for thousands of others. As we approach Nathanael’s 50th birthday next summer we are committed to continuing all that is good about this ministry that has created such an amazing spiritual heritage in the lives of so many people. During the next year we are going to celebrate Nathanael’s heritage and commit ourselves to leaving a legacy.
In my first six months as Executive Director I have done a lot of observing and listening. One of the things I have observed is that Nathanael has an amazing team that sustains this ministry. Board members, volunteers, staff, donors...thanks to all of you for the vital roles you play. God is working through you to help Nathanael create a legacy in the lives of young men and boys.