Saturday, November 14, 2015

A Trail of Evidence

Our theme verse for 2015 was Acts 4.13: When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus. 

Peter stood and spoke. The result? These powerful Jewish leaders were astonished. They saw Peter and John’s courage. And they knew this depth of conviction and character didn’t come from a privileged background or advanced education. They attributed the quality they saw in Peter and John’s lives to the fact that they had been with Jesus.

The incident that started this ordeal for Peter and John was that they had healed a man. They were careful to give the credit to Jesus Christ, of course. The Jewish leaders could not deny the evidence. The man was healed. The question we considered at the start of our summer season was what would be the evidence resulting from our ministry this summer? Every day during camp, in every role, we make choices. We leave a trail of evidence.  Our challenge is to be sure the evidence shows that we “have been with Jesus.”

The evidence from our summer of ministry is clear. Boys found Jesus. Boys watched noncoms demonstrate what it means to live a life sold out for Jesus Christ. Night after night following campfire there were quiet conversations in every corner of the dining hall. Those were spiritual conversations where campers asked questions and our leaders responded with God-directed wisdom.

Our theme verse says that folks took note that Peter and John had been with Jesus. The question we asked on the first training back in June was, “How can you be sure people know that you’ve been with Jesus?” The answer is…be with Jesus. People will know.